I feel like a female Johnny Cash today! And to me... that's pretty awesome! Johnny Cash rocks!!
Don't you just love the messy bedroom as my backdrop!?! I know it really finishes the picture so nicely!
AW... and here's my sweet mug :)
Sorry no outfit post yesterday... it wasn't a good day. But today seems better and hey if all else fails I'll just start acting like Johnny Cash too!!!
Hope everyone has a great day!!!!!
Dress-Liz Lange, Target... yes it's a maternity dress... no I'm not pregnant! But it's just sooo comfy!
Sweater-Walmart. You as "Why, Ashleigh, would you be wearing a sweater in the middle of the summer?" Well dear blog reader I have to wear a sweater or I will get written up at work. Load a crap is what I say!
Belt-was lost and now found, praise sweet baby Jesus! Gifted!
Necklace & Shoes- Target... leaves & animal print... possibly a fashion faux pas?!