May 23, 2010

Today as I drove to work with the windows down, a dandelion seed rushed through the window with the breeze.
The seed got suck in my hair.
I picked it out... and thought.
"This is carrying someone's wish."
So, instead of just tossing it to the side. I held my hand out the window and thought to myself...
"Come true"
I hope the person that might have wished on that dandelion seed gets their wish.

May 15, 2010

Little post

Nothing much to write about... went on a very small day-date with the husband this morning.
We had to run to the BMV so his sister watched the kids and he surprised with going to a discount book store. I got a copy of Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen, which is a great story!! And I got a copy of a book of EE Cummings poems, love this guy! Well now to put the kids down for a nap and make a salad for lunch.

May 8, 2010

Itching for a tattoo...

So I have been itching to get another tattoo.
And I have been going back and forth over what to get and where to get it.
But I have finally decided what and where!
I can not wait to get it, but I have to wait until my birthday... FEBRUARY! :(
So long!! But it will be worth it and it will look awesome!!!
I just cant wait!

On another note, mother's day is tomorrow.
I have been a mother for almost 4 years... WOW! Its scary to think that I
have been responsible for 2 kids and they have made it so far!
My kids are amazing and so different from each in looks and personality:

Jack Henry, my oldest, little red head with a mind that never misses anything and is always running! He is curious about everything.
Sometimes he makes us call him Iron Man... which is OK with me!
He is a fan of Johnny Cash... I mean come on,
a 3 almost 4 year lovin' the man in black... that's pretty awesome!
While he's a little high strung {like his mommy}, he is loving and intelligent
and oh so special to me... he made me a mommy and tells me he loves me at random times,
I hope that never goes away!

Emily Danica, my baby, sweet little blond curls and always has marker on her hands
{if not everywhere else!}.
She sees the beauty in everything, always the first to help someone out
and to give a hug and ask if your OK.
She knows the words and sings Bob Marley's 3 Little Birds... and her favorite thing to say is
"It's OK!". She calls me mama, which I think is the cutest thing!
She is my little artist and sees the world through artists eyes.
She is laid back like her daddy. She is a girly girl, she has to have a dress on and loves to play with make up. She has a heart of gold and hope that never gets jaded.

May 4, 2010

a total stranger one black day
knocked living the hell out of me--

who found forgiveness hard because
my(as it happened)self he was

-but now that fiend and i are such
immortal friends the other's each


if everything happens that can't be done
(and anything's righter
than books
could plan)
the stupidest teacher will almost guess
(with a run
around we go yes)
there's nothing as something as one

one hasn't a why or because or although
(and buds know better
than books
don't grow)
one's anything old being everything new
(with a what
around we come who)
one's everyanything so

so world is a leaf so tree is a bough
(and birds sing sweeter
than books
tell how)
so here is away and so your is a my
(with a down
around again fly)
forever was never till now

now i love you and you love me
(and books are shutter
than books
can be)
and deep in the high that does nothing but fall
(with a shout
around we go all)
there's somebody calling who's we

we're anything brighter than even the sun
(we're everything greater
than books
might mean)
we're everanything more than believe
(with a spin
alive we're alive)
we're wonderful one times one

I am in love with ee cummings! He is amazing. So amazing that I even got a line from one of his poems tattooed on me!!!!!!!