June 15, 2010

First picture is for Day 1 of the 30 Day Journal Challenge over at Run With Scissors.

And here is Day 2. 

Sorry... Im getting a cold and am very sleepy or I would write more... 


Unknown said...

oh my i adore your pictures! so cute! especially the feather drawing. do you do only drawings or do you turn them into something else?

ashleigh said...

What do you mean "turn them into something else"? hahah! Usually I just draw and put them away, I've given a couple to family, but really it's just for me to get the creative energy out! I do drawing, and water color, I like to play around with paper to make banners or decor... I try to do whatever strikes my fancy concerning art mediums! Oh and thank you!

Jessica said...

i love your pages! they look great!